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Library Exhibits

Exhibit Policies

Create an Exhibit

The library sponsors its own displays and exhibits, and welcomes requests to provide temporary space for faculty, staff or students who wish to sponsor an exhibit. If you are interested in creating an exhibit at the Library, please use this form to submit a proposal.

Exhibit Policy

The DiMenna-Nyselius Library presents exhibits designed to meet one or more of the following goals:

  • Promote the collections, services and resources of the DiMenna-Nyselius Library
  • Enrich the intellectual and cultural life of the Fairfield University community.
  • Strengthen collaborative opportunities between the Library and the Fairfield University community.

Exhibit Space as a Forum for Ideas and Information
The DiMenna-Nyselius supports the American Library Association's recommendations for
Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries; specifically noting:

  • Principle 7 states, "Freedom of information and of creative expression should be reflected in library exhibits and in all relevant library policy documents."
  • Principle 8 states, "Library meeting rooms, research carrels, exhibit spaces, and other facilities should be available to the academic community regardless of research being pursued or subject being discussed. Any restrictions made necessary because of limited availability of space should be based on need, as reflected in library policy, rather than on content of research or discussion."

The DiMenna-Nyselius Library also affirms the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights.

  • Article I of the Bill of Rights states, "Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation."
  • Article II states, "Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval."
  • Article VI maintains that exhibit space should be made available "on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use." Please note sponsorship of an exhibit is primarily reserved for current Fairfield University faculty, staff and students.

Materials will be excluded if they do not comply with Fairfield University's policy on academic freedom, specifically if it is defamatory, willfully false, obscene, or, promotes racial hatred or discrimination.

Exhibit spaces may not be used for commercial purposes, for the solicitation of business, for profit or for fundraising. No pricing information will be displayed within the exhibit.

The Library does not advocate or necessarily endorse the viewpoints of exhibitions or exhibitors.

The Library does not provide insurance coverage for exhibit items. Those who lend items to the exhibit agree to exhibit at their own risk. The Library is not responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of exhibited items. Any damage incurred to Library property from exhibit items is the responsibility of the exhibitor.

Application for exhibit
The library sponsors its own displays and exhibits, and considers requests to provide temporary space for current faculty, staff or students who wish to sponsor an exhibit.
Use this form to submit an exhibit proposal.

The Library retains the right to determine the suitability of any proposed exhibit. An application for an exhibit will not be accepted if it (1) does not comply with Fairfield University's policy on academic freedom, specifically if it is defamatory, willfully false, obscene, or, promotes racial hatred or discrimination, (2) is not physical appropriate for the display space, or (3) does not meet the goals (stated above) for the Library exhibit space.

Complaint Procedure
Once an exhibit has been mounted, the exhibit in whole or in part will not be removed in response to any complaint about its content.

Objections to the content of an exhibit will, however, be addressed formally as follows:

  • Complaints will be referred to the Dean of the Library. An opportunity to discuss the complaint in person or by phone with the Dean of the Library will be provided if the complainant so desires. An opportunity to submit a written complaint will be offered.
  • A written response will be provided to the complainant.
  • If the complainant remains unsatisfied, the Dean of the Library may take further action as he or she sees fit, short of altering the exhibit.