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Library Exhibits

Ignatian Spirit Exhibit

Ignatian Spirit Exhibit

We hope you will come down to the library to see the new exhibit: Our Ignatian Spirit.

Featured are posters originally created for Ignatian Heritage Week in March 2013. These posters were created by students, faculty and staff, highlighting the ways we as a community live our Ignatian values through course assignments, projects, research, programs and/or events in and outside the classroom. 

We often hear questions like, “How are we Jesuit and/or Catholic?” The truth is, there are many events, courses, programs, and initiatives that foster our mission, yet we often do not take the time to share them with one another.  Take some time to learn more by viewing this exhibit.

Click here for more photos.

Questions about Ignatian values or education?  Contact Joe DeFeo, Associate Dean of Students & Director, Student Mission and Identity Programs.

