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Library Exhibits

50th Anniversary of Earth Day (1970-2020)

Environmental Awareness on Campus

The year 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, a global celebration designed to highlight environmental issues.  This exhibit honors environmental activism past and present, drawing special attention to the many ongoing sustainability initiatives here on the Fairfield University campus.   Come join us in exploring the ongoing challenges of caring for our common home.  Exhibit runs from January - May 2020, in the lobby and lower level of DiMenna-Nyselius Library, Academic Commons. 

"Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political, and for the distribution of goods... It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day."  - Pope Francis, Laudato Si, 2015

"As a Jesuit and Catholic University Fairfield has a particular obligation to be conscious of its obligation to God’s creation in all dimensions of our operations — in our classrooms, in the maintenance of our facilities, and most particularly in our collective sense of responsibility to be a body of hope, and an agent of positive social transformation. Pope Francis has made it clear that the ecological environment can no longer be excluded from this overarching obligation." - Rev. Jeffrey P. von Arx, SJ, Campus Sustainability Action Plan, Spring 2015

"I would like to offer a notion of how we might answer this call to global citizenship. First and foremost, I would stress that no matter what profession or what further study you choose to pursue, you are called to be stewards; you are called to leave all you touch better than you found it."  - Dr. Mark R. Nemec, President of Fairfield University, Phi Beta Kappa Address, 2019

Earth Day 1970-2020