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MUSC 1101 - History of Jazz (Fumasoli & Torff)


Welcome MUSC 1101

Use this guide to find helpful sources for your research paper. The types of material in this guide include:

  • Background Sources: online or in print, these include encyclopedias and dictionaries. 
  • Books & Media: search for print or electronic books, or films, in the library catalog
  • Articles: search for scholarly or popular articles (such as newspaper or magazine articles) in library databases.
  • MLA Citation Style Guide: A library resource to help you create your Works Cited page and In-text citations using MLA 9th edition.
  • Research Tutorials: Selected tutorials created by research librarians.

Research Librarians are here to help you with your assignment so please contact us should you need any assistance. You can drop by the Library Services & Information Desk to ask for research help during staffed hours, email, text/chat from the box on the library homepage, or schedule a research appointment.  Additional information about library hours, citation help, etc. is located on the library home page

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