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RLST 1201: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / RLST 2210: A Feminist, Gender, and Queer Reading of the Hebrew Bible (Langton): Citation Resources

Citation Examples

Your professor requires the Full Note style of Chicago, which means no in-text citations! You're going to be using a full footnote. Use the guide on the right if you have questions, and here are some examples:


Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums (New York: Viking Press, 1958), 128.

Note: When citing an ebook that does not have fixed page numbers, use a chapter number, section heading or another reference marker in the note instead of a page number.

Book Chapter

Gloria Anzaldúa, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” in Borderlands: The New Mestiza – La Frontera (San Francisco: Aunt Lute Book Company, 1987), 53. 


Susan Peck MacDonald, “The Erasure of Language,” College Composition and Communication 58, no. 4 (2007): 619.


Richard Kimberly Heck, “About the Philosophical Gourmet Report,” last modified August 5, 2016,


J. Robert Lennon, “How Do You Revise?,” Ward Six (blog), September 16, 2010,


Sean Cole and Ira Glass, “622: Who You Gonna Call?,” August 4, 2017, in This American Life, produced by WBEZ, podcast, MP3 audio, 1:00:27,

Chicago Notes-Bib