You will write a 4-page, typed, double-spaced analysis of “power and privilege.” Select a topic on race in the United States (e.g., incarceration, housing, drug laws, employment opportunities, healthcare, etc.). Find two media sources from significantly differing political perspectives that have covered the same topic. The two media sources must come from the following list:
Chronicles (paleoconservative)
National Review (conservative)
The Wall Street Journal editorial pages (conservative)
The Weekly Standard (neoconservative)
The New York Times editorial pages (liberal)
The Nation (liberal)
Jacobin (radical)
Staple the two media sources to your analysis. The analysis must include 3 distinct labelled sections:
• What do the two sources have in common? For example, do they agree/disagree on the facts? How do the two sources differ? For example, if they agree on the facts, do they differ on the interpretation of the facts? (1 page)
• Analyze the two articles through the lens of the “Dynamics of Racism” considered by DiAngelo in “Why Can’t We All Just be Individuals?” Use one (perhaps two) of the “Dynamics of Racism” in the analysis. Identify the stated and (more importantly) unstated presupposition of each article; that is, does the argument presuppose the individual or the group (as a unit of analysis and as a lens of understanding)? (2 pages)
• What is the take-away for you? Demonstrate that you are able to reflect critically on philosophical questions in the context of your own life. (1 page)
For this assignment, consult the research guide available on Blackboard. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE GRADED.