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Documenting the Fairfield University Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Copyright Agreement and Release

General Statement

I hereby certify that I created the submitted material.  This original content was generated by me and me alone; I did not borrow, use or reproduce any third party content in creating the submitted material.

Fair Use by Fairfield University

I understand that Fairfield University and the Fairfield University Archives may use the submitted material to create educational material and I hereby agree that any such use constitutes a “fair use” of any submitted material in which I retain a copyright, as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. In the event that Fairfield University’s (or Fairfield University Archives’) use of the submitted material is determined to not be “fair use” pursuant to Section 107 of the Copyright Act by a court of competent jurisdiction, I hereby grant to Fairfield University (and the Fairfield University Archives) an indefinite license to add the material to its archival collections and preserve it for future generations of students, scholars, and researchers.

Specific Permission for the Submitted Material

I give Fairfield University (and the Fairfield University Archives) broad permission to perform the following non-exhaustive activities with the submitted materials (including any sensitive personal information or personal health information): organize according to accepted archival principles; create metadata, finding aids, and full-text search interfaces for the preservation and discovery of the materials; make the materials accessible to researchers and staff; and use the materials in exhibits and displays, both physical and online.

Scope of Use

I further agree that the aforementioned license allows Fairfield University and the Fairfield University Archives to make the submitted material available online under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (, which will allow others to share and adapt the material, as long as I am given appropriate credit.

Release and Hold Harmless

I (on behalf of myself and any third party about whom I provide information) agree to RELEASE and HOLD HARMLESS Fairfield University (on behalf of its trustees, employees, and agents) from any claim, demand, liability, or loss arising from or related to the use, non-use, modification, publication, reproduction, sharing or dissemination of any part of the material I have provided to the Fairfield University Archives for its COVID-19 pandemic project.  

This release does NOT apply to any loss or injury caused: (1) SOLELY by Fairfield University’s NEGLIGENCE, or (2) for Fairfield University’s RECKLESSNESS or INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT.