You can also use the Library's Art History, History, or Latin American & Caribbean Studies Research Guides for additional resources.
Selected databases that could be useful for locating articles and book chapters:
Scholarly annotated bibliographies. Includes recommendations to primary sources. Subscribed subjects include: Cinema and Media Studies, Classics, Communication, Education, International Law, International Relations, Latin American Studies, and Political Science.
Provides access to journal articles and books on fine, decorative and commercial art, photography, architecture, and more. Also searches Art Index Retrospective.
Contains scholarly peer-reviewed journals and selected trade and consumer titles relevant to applied arts and cultural studies.
Find more books using the Library Catalog.
A database comprised of images from some of the world's museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists.
Use the Advanced Search. Select Cuba from the Geography field.
Can't find the book or article you want? Try Interlibrary Loan (ILL)! We also have an ILL FAQ for more info!