Can't find the book or article you want? Try Interlibrary Loan (ILL)! We also have an ILL FAQ for more info!
Find books using the library catalog.
Keywords for your research will vary, depending on your topic. Typically searching a few important words works best for the library catalog. Some examples are below.
renaissance AND Italian
renaissance AND fashion OR clothing
Use synonyms and try searching with those terms.
Ex: fashion OR costume OR clothing
Reference tools such as dictionaries and encyclopedias are good places to start your research because they provide an overview of the topic as well as keywords, dates, and facts. Also don't forget to look in the library catalog (see Finding Books) for more print and electronic books on your topic.
Actual physical browsing (in the stacks) can sometimes help you find what you didn't realize you needed. Begin by finding a record for a print book in the catalog and then browse in that Call Number range on the upper level Circulating Collection (books you can take home) and the main floor in the Reference Collection.