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Academic Integrity Tutorial for Graduate Students by DiMenna-Nyselius Library, Fairfield University

Knowledge Check 3: Citing Different Formats

Knowledge Check 3: Citing Different Formats

You will be asked to use a variety of formats in your course work and they will all need a citation.

Drag each citation on the left to the correct format on the right. 

Smith, John. “The Endocrine System." Pomona College. Claremont, CA. 3 February 2015. Smith, Joe. (@fairfiledulib). “Librarians helping students at the Library Services and Information Desk.” Instagram, 29 April 2016, 2:03 p.m.
“Galentine’s Day." Parks and Recreation. NBC. KNBC, Los Angeles. 20 Mar. 2014.
Obama, Barack (@BarackObama). ""Everybody has a chance—that's the idea of America." —President Obama." 16 Apr. 2014, 2:20 p.m.



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