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Academic Integrity

Open Access, Closed Strategies? Oct. 23, 2013 Workshop

Through a “jigsaw” method that allows participants to explore specific aspects of a problem in a collective, informal way, the discussions centered on these 4 areas:

 1.    Open Society – Looking through the lens of higher education, how does the notion of “open access” to information and knowledge connect with broader issues of social justice, solidarity, power balance, transparency, accountability, and participation? Led by Gisela Gil-Egui

 2.     Publishing and Sharing – How do proprietary and non-proprietary models of content management and knowledge dissemination affect different areas and populations in academia? Are MOOCs the future of college education?
Led by Nina Peri

 3.     Authoring, Intellectual Property, and Intellectual Commons – Can knowledge be owned in this time and age? Does “open access” mean the end of authorship and due recognition? What are the implications of all this for academic integrity? For creativity? Led by Beth Boquet

 4.     University Policies – How have other higher education institutions addressed questions of open access in connection with their libraries, faculty publications, institutional presence in social networks, patents registration, and intellectual property? How does open access publishing affects rank and tenure?
Led by Gayle Bogel


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