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Digital Scholarship

An introduction to digital scholarship services offered by the DiMenna-Nyselius Library.

Digital Scholarship Services at DNL

The purpose of digital scholarship services at the DiMenna-Nyselius Library is to help students, faculty, and staff in using emerging technologies and digital methodologies to undertake and present research. Such methodologies can include crowdsourcing, digital mapping and timeline creation, digital publishing and exhibition, text analysis, network and data visualization, collaborative annotation, and digital storytelling. Information literacy-driven digital scholarship can give students especially deep insights into and experience with information creation, authority, and the scholarly conversation as both consumers and producers.

Project Fundamentals

A Research Focus

What is the topic or question driving this project and how is it enhanced by digital methodology?

Collaboration & Shared Learning

Digital scholarship projects are inherently interdisciplinary and multimodal.

Open Access & Pedagogy

Most digital scholarship initiatives seek to teach, develop, and live in public, disrupting common markers of value and authority.

Project Management

Multiple stakeholders and novel/open source technologies necessitate strong, ongoing project management. Digital projects have life cycles.